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October Outlook: Sailing into the Mystic

October Outlook: Sailing into the Mystic

Ending the 115th

With all eyes focused on November 6th, we wanted to provide a brief outlook on what still needs to be resolved in the last two months of this year when current Members return to Washington for a traditional “lame duck” work period before closing the books on the 115th Congress. With hearings still being planned and spending bills that still need to be completed, there’s a lot on tap for Congress when they come back on November 13th for one, two, three, four, etc. weeks to try and finalize items or wrap things up into a large ball to punt into 2019. And while this outlook is not intended to focus on the elections, it does go without saying that the midterms loom large and will dictate how much and what Congress does for the rest of the year after the results from two weeks from today are completely digested. With that overarching caveat, below is a preview of what we believe could be the focus in Washington for the rest of 2018.